Adjust the overall damage and health for all monsters
Adjust the difficulty for each individual monster
Also works with custom added monsters
Adjust monster Health
Make it harder or easier, your choice!
Make adjustments to the difficulty of Valheim, so it fits to your skill level.
Individual monster health
To adjust the base health for an individual monster, you must add the prefab name of the monster to the "monsterBaseHealthModifier" value, followed by the amount of health you want the monster to have.
The name and health must be seperated by a colon :
Note that this value is NOT a percentage, but a fixed value.
Skeleton:60 = Skeleton's new base health is 60 (up from 40)
Troll:5 = Troll's new base health is 5 (down from 600)
Overall monster health
You can adjust the overall health for all monsters but changing the multiplier value of "overallHealthMultiplier" in the config file.
By changing this value you can both increase or decrease the starting health for all monsters.
This multiplies the base health of the monster with the multiplier.
2 = 200% health
(Skeletons will then have 80 health, as their vanilla base health is 40)